Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lessons in Sports

There are many lessons that I learned about being a Christ-follower from sports.  This was due to a lot of time spent at F.C.A. camps and huddles.  I learned that the Bible calls us to persevere and to live a life of discipline.  These are concepts that made sense to me as an athlete in high school.  In addition I learned that I needed a fellowship of believers to be a part of my team.  There is no way to succeed without relying on others.  Even a football player could understand this concept.  These are truths that shaped me.  I had the experience that went along with this teaching.  It was relevant to me.  

I pray that my son connects with the same lessons.  God has given him some amazing athletic gifts.  I am in awe at some of the things he can do with his body.  I am starting to see him develop the burning desire to win.  He has moved from playing sports as something fun to do to pass the time and is starting to see it as part of who he is.  He has switched into the thrill of competition.  He believes in his team and himself.  I see his eyes change when he is on the field.  He has the look of a warrior.  He is alive and knows his purpose at that moment.  He knows what he is supposed to be doing.

I believe that is the way God calls us to live.  God wants us to be alive.  He wants us to live with a passion and desire that drives us.  God has gifted each one of us for his purpose.  He has a path set before us that is full of life and of adventure.  Christ never called anyone to be a church member that sits in a chair on Sunday morning.  He told the disciples; "Come Follow Me"  The disciples did not know what that would entail, but they felt alive, they knew their purpose at that moment.

My prayer is that my son takes the lessons from the sports field and becomes a man who pursues God with the same intensity that he does sports right now.  I am thankful that I get to see him go through the ups and downs of a sport season.  I am thankful that God continues to give me a purpose and a desire that drives me event after my playing days are long gone.

What has God give you that drives you on a daily basis?

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I love watching people discover and live out who God designed them to be. God recently (over the last 7 years) brought me down that path of discovering the specific skills that He gifted to me and how to use them with my spiritual gifts. I still have much to learn but I know I'm on the right road.

    Each of us is uniquely designed and equipped to accomplish the work that He has prepared in advance for us to.

    I came over here from Twitter. Nice to meet you!
